Hope and Healing
for Those in Need®

Our mission is to deliver quality medical care to low-income, working but uninsured Collier County adults, using a professional volunteer staff and funded by private philanthropy.

Neighborhood Health Clinic

A Lasting Impact in the Lives of the Collier County Community

12,000 Patient Visits Infographic | Neighborhood Health Clinic
94 cents of every dollar goes to patient services Infographic | Neighborhood Health Clinic
$0 Debt carried Infographic | Neighborhood Health Clinic

Help us to continue our mission of providing Hope and Healing for Those in Need® in Collier County.


Founded by Family

When Dr. Bill and Nancy Lascheid co-founded Neighborhood Health Clinic in 1999, they fully expected it would serve its purpose within three to five years. However, the fact that we are still here 25 years later, speaks to one truth: there are underserved, hard-working men and women in Collier County who still do not have access to healthcare–and the numbers keep growing.

Our comprehensive medical campus validates the Lascheids’ vision, fulfilling their goal to ensure a social safety net of safety nets for Collier County’s underserved, providing these patients with a medical home.

Continued through Community

Our job has always been to care for patients who have nowhere else to go. We have never strayed from our mission: to deliver quality medical care to low-income, working but uninsured Collier County adults, using a staff of volunteer professionals and funded by private philanthropy.

Everything we do to provide quality medical care for our patients is only possible through the generosity of our donors and volunteers. They give us strength and support to carry the mission forward saving lives. Thank you!

The Clinic is funded solely by private philanthropy and accepts no government money. Help us to continue our mission of providing Hope and Healing for Those in Need® in Collier County.

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Help Support Our Mission

We are committed to deliver services in a caring, supportive environment that respects the dignity of each patient. Help us to continue our mission of providing Hope and Healing for Those in Need® in Collier County.